L'équipe des Labs VMware est très active ces derniers jours avec deux mises à jour importantes :

  • ESXi Embedded Host Client
  • vSphere HTML5 Web Client

Je ne pense pas qu'il soit utile de présenter ces deux outils.

ESXi Embedded Host Client

- Addressed some German translation accuracy.
- Added Tools version, Tools status and guest IP address columns to the VM list.
- Addressed an issue deploying very large OVA files.
- Fix a bug where newly created or registered VMs may not be automatically loaded into the VM list.
- Support VMRC for Linux download from host.
- Add Send Ctrl-Alt-Del menu item to top level Actions in console if guest OS is Windows.
- Add fix for ESXi 5.1 when editing a VM when checking for SR-IOV ethernet devices, which are unsupported on 5.1.
- Correctly handle OVA files that are missing the OperatingSystemSection.

vSphere HTML5 Web Client

New Features
  - Delete VMFS datastore action
  - Details view for the available devices coming from Host Storage adapter
  - Details view for the available paths for Host Storage adapter

  - Some performance improvements to the edit VM settings workflow
  - FAMI will show the HTML5 web client version number for new appliance installations

Sur le site Flings by VMware vous pourrez aussi retrouver la mise à jour du Horizon Migration Tool et de bien d'autres outils trés utiles